Paper handbags are widely used, such as the clothing industry, catering industry, as well as supporting packaging of various gifts. With the improvement of people's aesthetic level, people have not only satisfied with the function of the handbag, but also pay attention to the design of the handbag. The handbag is not only limited to the use of goods, but also has artistic appreciation value.
A handbag, with a good creative design, can friction out of countless sparks, can not only increase recognition, enhance brand image, but also enhance the buyer's love for the brand. Just look at it and feel its power: Take me away! Arouse customer's desire to buy, is so magic!
The material of handbag is also divided into kraft paper, white card, black card, 300g, 350g, 400g is more commonly used. From handbag packaging to handbag printing to use, not only to provide convenience for shoppers, but also to take the opportunity to promote products or brands again. Exquisite design bag will be beloved, even if the bag printed with eye-catching trademark or advertising, customers will be happy to reuse, this bag has become one of the most efficient and inexpensive advertising media.